How can one summarize Peru?

Its landscapes change before our very eyes : from West to East, one passes from the deserts of the Pacific coast to the colossal mountains of the Andes, then to the luxuriant forests of Amazonia. Not to mention the countless microclimates that emerge at the bend of a river, from the top of a plateau, or, sometimes, thanks to the titanic work of the Amerindian peoples.

This geographical diversity is accompanied by a surprising cultural richness. Even before the arrival of the European colonizers, the lands of present-day Peru were inhabited by peoples and empires with illustrious and forgotten histories, such as the Mochicas goldsmiths of the northern deserts, the Chachapoyas with their Amazonian fortresses, and of course the famous Inca conquerors. This complex past has left a legacy that is still visible today, combined with those of populations from Europe, Asia and Africa, who have contributed to form this country of 32 million inhabitants.


ODDAFIP's reports have sought to represent the complexity of this nation, by presenting artisans from different regions of the country, sometimes themselves the result of even older migratory movements. And by representing the difficulties they face

A diversity confronted to difficult challenges

Even with its undeniable cultural and geographical assets, Peru has many challenges to overcome. Indeed, in addition to its serious problems of inequality, it is also a country considered as one of the most exposed to the negative effects of the climatic changes. Glacier melting in the Andes, increasingly extreme “"El Niño" phenomena ” (floods) on the coasts, declining biodiversity in Amazonia...

And Lima, its capital, though host to many migrants fleeing these crises, will not be spared. City in the full process of desertification, it is also exposed to drought due to the melting of the ice caps.

Faced with these many challenges, the artisans of Peru do not stand idle, and draw from their ingenuity and their culture to overcome them. This is what you can see on the 8 reports presented below. Stories of daring initiatives, and sometimes surprising alliances.

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